Several robust studies, conducted by a research team at Newcastle university, have shown that patients on a very low calorie diet (VLCD) have reversed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) Lim et al. hypothesised that the remission of T2DM observed in patients post bariatric surgery was due to a VLCD (17). This study demonstrated that T2DM could be reversed in 8 weeks on a VLCD only. The VLCD was a combination of a liquid diet (46.4%carbohydrates, 32.5% protein and 20.1% fat) and 3 portions of non-starchy vegetables per day; 600Kj total.
Reversal of T2DM was achieved by a combination of regain in β-cell function and insulin sensitivity. Magnetic resource measurements determined pancreas and liver fat percentages. Hepatic triglycerides at baseline were on average 12.8% in the diabetic group compared to 2.9% after treatment. Pancreatic triglycerides at baseline were on average 8% compared to 6.2% at after treatment. After eight weeks on a VLCD, individuals reduced HbA1c and blood glucose to sub-diabetic levels (18) (6% and 5.7 mmol/L respectively). Plasma insulin levels more than halved and weight dropped 13kg (17). However, all these patients had diagnoses of T2DM under 4 years and the study was conducted for only eight weeks.
Steven et al. repeated the study, but extended it to include a stepped return to isocaloric eating (2 weeks) followed by a weight maintenance phase over the remaining 6 months. Food was reintroduced every 3 days during the return to eating. Patients received individualised support throughout. The study also included patients with T2DM of over 4 years. 40% of participants succeeded in reversing T2DM by achieving a fasting glucose of <7.0 mmol/l after 6 months and returned to sub-diabetic levels of insulin secretion (table 1) (18). Liver fat and insulin sensitivity was returned to sub-diabetic levels amongst the whole cohort studied, even in individuals unable to lose a significant amount weight.

Figure 1 (31):
Blood glucose levels remain stable in a healthy individual, regulated at 4-7.8 mmol/L (33) Insulin stimulates many intracellular pathways, including enhanced production of triglycerides. These leave hepatocytes in very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and are stored in visceral adipocytes via insulin’s activation of lipoprotein lipase. Increased visceral fat and VLDLs lead to β-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance (25) (13) (29)(19)(17).
Pancreatic triglycerides in T2DM are associated with the condition, rather than decreased body fat (19). This was due to T2DM patients showing a substantial decrease in pancreatic triglycerides compared to those without T2DM, when both groups had undergone substantial weight loss. VLDLs transport fats to extra-hepatic cells and tissues (fig1), these decreased by 20%. It is suggested that this accounted for the fall in pancreatic fat. A loss in total pancreatic fat has been shown to mediate a return to β-cell function (17). This is a suggested mechanism of T2DM remission in responding patients. These patients recorded higher levels of insulin secretion at baseline. Those that recorded low levels of insulin secretion at baseline couldn’t regain β-cell function.
In the Steven et al. study all medication was discontinued and all participants followed the same diet. Also, it featured a greater scope of diabetic patients (including >10 years). However, fasting glucose levels after treatment positively correlated with the duration of T2DM in participants (19).
Both initial phases of each study were inherently ketogenic, delivering 600-800kj with a maximum of 50% carbohydrate. However, the Goday et al. study delivered 1-1.6 g/kg/d protein which has been shown to have positive implications for adherence due to increased satiety, lower energy expenditure (by sparring fat free mass), improved body composition and prevention of weight cycling (20). In the Steven et al. study, participants found it difficult readjusting to normal eating. Perhaps therefore, a macronutrient mix of higher proteins and fats could improve a transition to eating.
In other studies, regaining glucose control was shown to be more efficacious in ketogenic diets compared to LC diets (15). Enhanced ketosis is associated with higher urinary ketones and increased glycaemic control in non-insulin dependent patients with T2DM (15). There was no difference in weight loss. This means that glycaemic control was independent of overall weight loss. This further provides support that a ketogenic low calorie diet is a robust treatment of reversal of T2DM through the mobilisation of visceral fat. Several studies show that visceral fat in patients with T2DM is independent of overall obesity; based on the theory of a ‘personal fat threshold’ (6). Non-obese patients with T2DM still respond to the same diet and reverse T2DM (6).
Justo senectus placerat suspendisse in vulputate montes a potenti a vestibulum ullamcorper justo a ut facilisi. Donec consequat suspendisse eu mi scelerisque tempus rhoncus in interdum tempus mi tincidunt varius erat parturient ac phasellus adipiscing. Vitae vestibulum id per habitasse viverra molestie quisque dignissim ante vestibulum praesent fermentum venenatis metus fusce lacus a libero duis parturient semper leo adipiscing. Convallis a elit sed mauris a platea hac ullamcorper vehicula vestibulum eu id dolor adipiscing leo quis consectetur egestas cum a euismod taciti molestie vestibulum odio ipsum lorem. Sed aenean.

CT scan of the abdomen in two individuals with the same body fat mass. Top shows larger visceral fat area (VFA) shown in white and the bottom larger subcutaneous fat (black). (30)
The Steven et al. study is currently being extended to assess primary care treatment efficacy. Adherence is a crucial factor that must be assessed. Diets with variety, such as the Mediterranean, have shown to enhance adherence through improvements in treatment satisfaction and quality of life (21). However, the accessibility to such foods are major barriers for people, particularly of low socio-economic categories. Perhaps these parameters could form assessments of future studies into dietary treatment of T2DM.
It has been shown that a high protein to carbohydrate ratio enhances fat oxidation in a study of obese children (22). A high protein breakfast increased satiety and fat oxidation compared to a high carbohydrate. If the numbers of obese children are to be reduced; 1 in 4 children; components of ketogenic diets have a proven role (3). Marmot stated in his report that reducing health inequalities will require ‘giving every child the best start in life’ (23). Educating children and adults on the effect of diet on their bodies will decrease health inequalities based on these studies. Metabolism education is a crucial parameter in diet adherence; people are motivated and want clear advice (19). This should be a focal point in the prevention and treatment of the epidemic.
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